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How To Sell In a Crisis

job interview with two women

With the disruption caused by COVID-19 seemingly set to continue impacting almost every facet of the global economy for the foreseeable future, it's important for businesses to remain flexible and keep the longer-term picture in mind.

That far-reaching view is especially important for anyone involved in the staffing industry—in  a world where headcounts are falling, it can be tempting to simply shut up shop and wait for better times ahead.

However, for anyone who wants to not survive, but thrive in the current environment, there are opportunities out there: you just need to know where to look and how to take advantage when you find them.

In a recent webinar hosted by Ringo, Tom Erb, President of TallAnn Resources, laid out a plan to do exactly that, and presented a clear, actionable path forward that anyone involved in the staffing industry can put into play to boost their business right now. 

Because of the positive feedback we received, we have decided to make the whole webinar available for anyone who wants to watch it. Simply click the video below, fill out the brief form that appears, and the full presentation, plus audience Q&A, is yours!

If your role involves selling staffing services in any capacity, the full webinar is well worth your time. In it, you will learn the following:

  • What your competitors are doing right now, and how to take advantage of their mistakes.
  • How to craft and deliver the appropriate messaging that resonates with prospects and clients.
  • Where the areas of opportunity are in today’s economy.
  • How to get your clients to restart stalled or on hold job orders.
  • The most critical activities you can be focused on today to position yourself for the rebound.

Watch it here:

As Tom notes in the video, it's important to stay flexible and find new ways to embed your firm with clients, no matter the economic environment. One way that many firms are doing this is by partnering with Ringo to become their own VMS. When you implement Ringo's industry-leading VMS technology, you gain the ability to own every aspect of your client relationships. To learn more, book a time to talk to us today!

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