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The Best Software Solution for Strategic HR Management

Synchronize hiring goals and efforts across your entire organization by partnering with an MSP and implementing a vendor management system, like RINGO VMS.

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How to Improve Your Staffing Management Plan

To maximize the efficacy of your staffing management plan, determine staffing requirements, coordinate staffing goals, adjust your strategies accordingly, follow up, and analyze your results for ongoing improvement.

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CEO Quick Chat With RINGO's Keith Banks

RINGO CEO Keith Banks weighs in on the future of the company, new developments and team members, and the many industries that can benefit from its extraordinary Vendor Neutral Management System (VMS).

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Contingent Hospital Labor In High Demand & Need Intensifying

By 2030, America's largest generation of living adults, the Boomers, will have funneled into retirement age—including nurses and physicians. Contingent labor helps mitigate the heightened demand for healthcare workers, but there aren't enough industry graduates available to replenish the workforce.

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