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Expand Your Payroll Options With Employer of Record Services

Employer of record services can help small and medium-sized companies ensure compliance, save time on administrative tasks, reduce risks and exposure, and more, by outsourcing human resource management responsibilities.

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Contingent Hospital Labor In High Demand & Need Intensifying

By 2030, America's largest generation of living adults, the Boomers, will have funneled into retirement age—including nurses and physicians. Contingent labor helps mitigate the heightened demand for healthcare workers, but there aren't enough industry graduates available to replenish the workforce.

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What Is a Vendor Management System?

A vendor management system (VMS) is a software as a service (SaaS) application that serves as a central hub for businesses to manage the contingent workforce. VMS functionality saves users time, money, and relationships, and facilitates staffing decisions based on hard data.

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